Emily's Fund
All people can communicate. All people have something to offer.
Emily Locke was a force, both within her personal life and within our small (but always growing) CSS community. Emily was fiercely passionate, incredibly engaged, intimately connected to community and spent endless hours communicating with friends and other families navigating this life within the CSS world. Emily lived in Washington state, and died days after her 29th birthday, in December of 2018.
In Emily's honor, we have set up Emily's Fund, which will help families financially access alternative and augmentative communication that may not otherwise be accessible, or are not covered by personal insurance. This includes high or low tech systems, devices, software, cases, etc. Applications can be submitted here.
It is our sincere hope that Emily's Fund honors her memory, enables her impact to continue, and gives hope and access to communication support for families within our wide community for years to come.
If you would like to support Emily's Fund, please make a note on your donation.